Cinthya Janela is 19 years old, is single and lives in her parents home. They live in Picoazá, which is known for its commerce, religious festivals, as well as its vegetables, legumes and tropical fruits. It is a source of progress and is the main center of informal trade in Manabí. Cinthya Janela and her family are vendors who sell a variety of artisanal sweets from the area. They purchase coconut candies, sandwich cookies, almond and coconut cookies, meringues and caramelized peanuts. They sell from home, and also go to the beaches, stores and make deliveries to other cities for orders. They work Monday through Saturday.
This loan will be used to purchase coconut candies, meringues, coconut and almond cookies, etc.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Shannon Perko. View original language description.