A loan helped to buy perfumes, creams, underwear, nail polish, hair dyes, and beauty treatments.

Betty Aracely's story

Betty Aracely and her family live in Portoviejo, a lovely place with a mix of rural landscapes, beaches, and a rich cuisine attractive to the tourists who visit this beautiful place.

She is a hardworking woman who seeks the way to earn her resources and, with them, to help her family get ahead.

She is an artisan and does beauty treatments, such as hair coloring, haircuts, manicure, keratin treatments, facial treatments, and others. She works at home or in her clients’ houses based on their requests.

She also sells Yanbal products and clothing in her house and via social media. She sells on credit.

She can earn an honest living with the help of the loans, and she is grateful for them and asks you to continue helping her.

This loan is to buy perfumes, creams, underwear, nail polish, hair dyes, and beauty treatments.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Liliana S.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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