A Kiva Zip Borrower Honors Her Lenders with Product Names
August 14, 2014
Working with a borrower like Athene inspires me because she represents true ambition and commitment; both traits that are essential in becoming successful as an entrepreneur.
Athene is the owner of Sweet Pea Prop Shop, an online store that sells newborn clothing to professional photographers as props. She created her business in an effort to re-integrate into a slowly recovering economy and to convert her dreams of entrepreneurship and creative self-expression into a reality. Her challenge to date has been keeping up with demand, which is why she needs a loan: she needs to hire more help, buy a sewing machine that can accommodate for increased production volume, and to invest in technology upgrades.
What inspires me most about Athene is the gratitude she shows for the lenders that have supported her up to this point in the funding of her loan. Recently, she expressed these feelings in the "Conversations" tab of her loan profile:
She even named some of her designs after current Kiva Zip lenders:

It is no question to me why Athene has been successful in growing her business to date; the quality of her products and the care that goes into everything she does is worth paying for.

Athene's loan is still funding! You can lend to her by clicking here. It is entrepreneurs like Athene that inspire me to do what I love, to do it well, and to count my blessings along the way. Thank you Athene!
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