By Meg Gray, KF9, Nicaragua
Last Thursday night, while eating a farewell dinner of Chinese take-out, I drew the perfect fortune cookie: “Traveling to the south will bring you unexpected happiness.” Since I was leaving for Nicaragua the next day as a member of KF9, I was happy to have this auspicious omen on my side.
Turns out it was also exactly the reassurance I needed as I arrived in Managua, Nicaragua during a torrential rainstorm on Saturday night. Moments after a very turbulent (and somewhat terrifying) landing, the power went out in the airport and we had to wait for it to come back before we could deplane. Needless to say, waiting in the plane, I had a few doubts and remembering my fortune cookie brought a smile back to my face.

Here is CEPRODEL's main office. They have 16 other branches throughout Western Nicaragua.
Now that feels so long ago. I successfully made it through Day One at CEPRODEL, one of Kiva’s field partners in Nicaragua. CEPRODEL has been a Kiva partner for almost two years and has facilitated loans to over 2,100 Kiva entrepreneurs! Everyone I met was extremely friendly and helpful. I’m still struggling to remember most of their names, but they have welcomed me back for Day Two nevertheless.
Before I dive too far into journal entries and borrower profiles, I briefly wanted to say hello. I look forward to your comments and to giving you more information about CEPRODEL, Nicaragua, and my experiences as a Kiva Fellow.
Learn more about CEPRODEL on their field partner page or loan to a CEPRODEL entrepreneur now! Or if you’re feeling brave and want to practice your Spanish, check out CEPRODEL’s website.