The microfinance institution I have been working with, through Kiva, is called BRAC, Building Resources Across Communities. Since 1972, BRAC has been tackling the various dimensions of poverty through its holistic approach to poverty alleviation. BRAC has programs in economic and social development, health, education, and human rights and legal services. Operating in several countries all over the globe, BRAC is one of the world’s largest NGOs.
Here in Sudan, BRAC has been instrumental in providing the country with the assistance it needs. BRAC has opened 25 primary schools, lent approximately 1.5 million US dollars to nearly 14,000 borrowers, and has educated countless people on how to maintain healthy lifestyles. BRAC Southern Sudan’s microfinance program is targeted towards returning war refugees, many of whom come back to Sudan with very close to nothing.
BRAC Southern Sudan has been able to include nearly 150 Sudanese locals within its staff. The following interview is of Ohsio John, one of BRAC’s IT Specialists, who is linked to the world through Kiva.