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Cool New Partners: Empowering Victims of Sexual Violence, Boosting Students and Promoting Healthy Products

July 10, 2014

We can’t wait for someone else to change the world. It’s our turn now. Kiva is teaming up with three new partners who create opportunity for all the the hard-working students, helpful neighbors, and independent women out there. These partners create the real changes we need to have a better world!

Check out Kiva’s amazing new partners in Africa:

Kenya and Uganda

Delivers Clean Cook Stoves, Water Filters, and Solar Energy

Who are they?
Living Goods is a non-profit that delivers life-saving products to improve the health of low-income communities. These products include clean cook stoves, water filters, and solar products. Living Goods hires locals, who need an additional income to survive, who sell the products to fellow community members.

You’ll love them if….
You’re a proponent of green living and want to bring that lifestyle to low-income communities.

Learn more at http://www.kiva.org/partners/385
Democratic Republic of the Congo

Empowering Women through Entrepreneurship

Who are they?
ERDO aims to empower women, many of whom are the victims of sexual violence, lift themselves out of poverty. ERDO helps clients develop the skills they need to create small, successful businesses. The women use their funds to buy products for resale, prepare and sell meals, or produce their own goods, such as clothing, to sell.

You’ll love them if…
You want to give victims of sexual violence a chance to build a better life.

Learn more at http://www.kiva.org/partners/377

Helping Students Access Higher Education

Who are they?
ECLOF Kenya is a microfinance institution that offers loans to students at university and vocational training institutes. Financing of higher education remains a major challenge in Kenya, and negatively affects the transition rate from high school to university. ECLOF’s goal is to substantially increase the number of students who can obtain a higher education.

You’ll love them if…
You think education is the key to climbing up and out of the cycle of poverty.
Learn more at http://www.kiva.org/partners/386

Every dollar makes a difference. No matter the size, your loans help fund the ongoing, inspirational work of Kiva’s field partners across the globe. So keep on lending!