In the City that Never Sleeps, NYC Entrepreneurs Work Harder than You
October 8, 2014
Here we are in the BIG APPLE, a city that plays hard and works even harder. It’s been a busy first month of my fellowship and things aren’t looking to slow down anytime soon. The NYC Zip team here has set the pace – hint; it’s not slow- and I have hit the ground sprinting.
Last month, Kiva Zip hosted an event in partnership with Small Business Solutions of NYC. Over 30 business professionals came to hear a Q&A Panel about microfinance. This is where I got to hear first-hand testimonial from one New York’s most recent successfully funded Zip entrepreneurs. Gisele Eboma of Surfing Queen INC fully funded a $1,000 loan at the end of September that helped her to get a booth at a local trade show. On the panel she spoke to her experience and sums up Kiva Zip more eloquently than I ever could. Perhaps most impactful; this statement from her testimonial:
It’s been a learning experience getting a loan for the business, now that I have a loan from Kiva I have lenders from all over the world. They really believe in your business to lend the money, so it just motivates you to do more, to work harder and to be very successful.

Gisele is a testament to the amazing work ethic and true spirit of entrepreneurs in this city. I think motivation is infectious because everyone here has it and it spreads quickly. Her words have become my New York mantra- Kiva Zip will work harder and do more- because that’s just how New Yorkers do.
Check out the NYC Zip Page at:!nyc/cv7c and Follow our Updates @
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