Starting today, for every friend you successfully invite to Kiva, you earn a $25 bonus!
What's the catch? There isn't one! All you have to do is invite your friends to try out Kiva, and for every one who joins, we'll add a $25 bonus to your account to make a loan for free!

Double, triple or quadruple your impact by sharing the inspiration of lending on Kiva with new people!
When a friend you've invited signs up on, we'll send you an email letting you know you have 7 days to lend your $25 bonus before it expires. Use it or lose it, but you can still earn more!
For months, we've been giving away $25 free trial loans to new users trying out Kiva for the first time. Now bonuses let existing lenders get in on the act. But just like with free trials, supplies are limited, so get started inviting your friends today.
Have questions? You can learn more about bonuses at Or email us at

Double, triple or quadruple your impact by sharing the inspiration of lending on Kiva with new people!
When a friend you've invited signs up on, we'll send you an email letting you know you have 7 days to lend your $25 bonus before it expires. Use it or lose it, but you can still earn more!
For months, we've been giving away $25 free trial loans to new users trying out Kiva for the first time. Now bonuses let existing lenders get in on the act. But just like with free trials, supplies are limited, so get started inviting your friends today.
Have questions? You can learn more about bonuses at Or email us at
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