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Introducing Rooted in Impact: A blog series by Kiva’s CEO

August 8, 2023

Six months ago, when I joined Kiva, it was with deep admiration for the organization’s impactful work spanning nearly two decades. Through conversations with our borrowers, lenders, partners, volunteers, and employees, not only has the admiration grown but it has also inspired in me a heightened sense of responsibility for the impact we must bring about. As Kiva's strength lies within its community, I humbly start this "Rooted in Impact" blog series to share my insights, inspirations, and future plans with all of you.

Open conversations

In this series, we'll explore the profound impact of Kiva's mission and engage in open and candid conversations with partners, volunteers, lenders, and more. I hope to share with you all the experiences I have visiting and speaking with Kiva lending partners and stakeholders and my first hand perspective of Kiva’s impact. We'll discuss topics such as the importance of growth for nonprofits, how technology can be a force for positive change, and the challenges we face. My goal is to foster transparency and openness, ensuring we share the decisions we make as we move forward together.

The Impact of Micro-Steps

When I think about the world today, I'm struck by the magnitude of problems in front of us - climate change, refugee crises, gender inequality. It can be easy to feel overwhelmed by the challenges and inequities in our lives. But I find that taking action and making progress is empowering and liberating. Small steps lead to significant changes.

That's what I've always found inspiring about Kiva’s model - it gives real agency to individuals and brings systemic changes through the smallest of steps - both for lenders who want to bring about change and for entrepreneurs who need financial access to have a shot at bettering their lives.

Having spent time with both borrowers and lenders in the past six months, my belief in the power of these micro-steps has only grown stronger. Each loan we facilitate is a tangible step towards a better future, and together, these seemingly small acts create significant impact.

Community-driven growth

Countless people have contributed to our mission over the past 18 years, helping us grow our impact. We know that there are so many more people who could benefit from crowdfunded and entrepreneur-centric loans, and it is our collective job to do all we can to reach every single one of them.

In future posts, I'll expand more on why I believe growth is not just crucial for Kiva but rather a moral imperative; what growth means for us - not just reaching more people but making sure we better understand the outcomes of our borrowers; and how we are making advancements as an organization so we can further the breadth and depth of our impact.

Kiva's impact is only possible because of its incredible community, and it is my responsibility to ensure that you all know what I learn. Together, we'll gain a deeper understanding of the positive change we're making in the world, one loan at a time. 

Thank you for being part of this journey, and I look forward to connecting with you in this space of inspiration and reflection.

With heartfelt appreciation,


- Vishal Ghotge