Wondering what our fellows are up to? See what makes their field placement unique by taking a look at the foods they are eating and what keeps them inspired everyday!
Kiva Fellow Semone Aye, Myanmar:
Catfish noodle soup? Yes please! Mohinga is a staple in Burmese cuisine, and what many Burmese would call "comfort food." Each region of Myanmar has its own variation of the recipe. #myanmar #chili
Kiva Fellows Alan Mathers, Zimbabwe:
Who or what have I found most inspiring this week? An easy one. Here is Mrs Sinikiwe Makove, our Kiva Coordinator in the Zimbabwe office of Camfed (The Campaign for Female Education). Sinikiwe has helped change the lives of over 1,600 young women through their Kiva loans, not to mention many thousands more in her tireless work as Head of Women's Empowerment at Camfed. Witnessing her in action is truly inspirational: with the oratory skills of a southern preacher, the humour of the very best stand up comedians, and the empathy that comes from her own personal background in a rural community, she is loved as a 'mother' by these young women across the country. To Sinikiwe, and all of the similarly impressive young Kiva / Camfed business owners across Zimbabwe, I am truly inspired by you!
Kiva Fellow Amber Stewart, Mali:
Dinner at the Togolese restaurant: gnam (similar to polenta) with red sauce and fish. Delicious and at ~$0.75, easily within my budget. #kf26
Kiva Fellow Darcey Tindall, India:
Here in Manipur, people will tell you that they only have two meals, lunch around 9:30 am and dinner around 7:00 pm. But when you're hungry in the afternoon, there's always time for a puri break! Puri is a kind of fried dough that is eaten with all sorts of extras. My favorite is the aloo shak, a dish made with potatoes, dried peas, and turmeric.
Kiva Fellow Lauren Stinson, United States:
Who inspires me? My intelligent, kind-hearted, hardest working person in Milwaukee colleague, Gabriel Mekbib. He has built such incredible relationships and created such impact in this City over such a short period. He inspires me to guide my work with passion and heart. I will miss you dearly, Gabe! In the photo Gabe is posing next to Milwaukee borrower, Mr. Dye's Pies!
Kiva Fellow Rasha Mhmoud, Israel:
Middle Eastern culture revolves around family - and FOOD! This dish is called "maqlouba" which means "upside down". All the ingredients (chicken, cauliflower, eggplant) are cooked separately, then together with spiced rice in a big pot, then they flip it onto a huge plate and garnish it with roasted nuts. Served with salad and yogurt, you can use your hands, a spoon, or bread as utensils! People in Palestine ask me "Do you like upside down?!"
Kiva Fellow Kelly Diggins, Costa Rica:
I am inspired by Zobeida, the passionate Executive Direcotor of Fundación Mujer. She's always looking for more ways to help borrowers whether it's economic development or educational courses. #Kiva #KF26 #FundacionMujer #CostaRica
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