Educate a woman. Watch the ripple effect.
Experience and data show that when a woman has the opportunity to learn -- either in school or through building a business -- things change for the better. She's likely to invest more in her family. She's more likely to have an equality-based marriage. And her children are more likely to follow in her footsteps to pursue even higher levels of education.
A virtuous cycle of change begins.
That's why Kiva and skincare system Dermalogica are teaming up to expand educational opportunities for women through a new Free Trial program -- giving 4,000 new users the opportunity to try out Kiva for free. You can claim your Free Trial at and invite your friends to do the same!
This month, we're celebrating all of the different ways Kiva lenders can make an impact in education. With 20 of our Field Partners offering loans for tuition, school fees, school supplies and more, we're committed to empowering people of all ages to attend and stay in school.
But learning happens in many ways. Outside the classroom, millions of women around the world are getting hands-on experience through running their own businesses. And those working with microfinance institutions and other Kiva Field Partners often have access to valuable training in business and other skills.
When you lend to one of these women, she learns and earns at the same time.
How important is this? Consider the facts:
- A child born to a mother who can read is 50% more likely to survive past the age of five.

Repayments on loans made with a Free Trial will go back to Dermalogica. But when you invest your own funds in borrowers around the world, repayments go back to you so you can make a difference over and over again.
Technology in the Field: the Future of Microfinance →NEXT ARTICLE
Passport Series: Jordan, shaped by youth and potential →