The power of money is relative. For some, it flows in and out of their wallets without much thought or effort -- for others every cent is a struggle to obtain and hold on to. We need your help to raise awareness of the power of $25!
When was the last time you spent $25? The next time you purchase something take a moment and ask yourself, can it wait? Kiva gives you this option when the borrowers you choose repay their loans.
$25 has the potential to change a life and make the world a better place -- and with Kiva you can unlock that potential and recycle it. With a 98% repayment rate, the money you lend to Kiva borrowers is almost guaranteed to come back to you. The price of changing the world can be as simple as delaying the purchase of a t-shirt for a few months.

They can't:

Kiva borrowers in Mexico.
Join us in dialogue about poverty and microfinance by participating in our interactive conversation using the hashtag #kiva25 on Twitter, Instagram and by tagging us on Facebook.
Share what $25 means to you by sending in photos of items you are delaying purchasing in order to help a Kiva borrower -- and urge your friends to think about the opportunity cost of $25. We will be retweeting and blogging some of our favorites so, make sure you tag Kiva using the respective handles!
Twitter: @kiva
Instagram: @Kiva_microloans
Facebook: @Kiva
We would like to thank the high school students from Youth Leadership America for coming up with this idea! We loved their energy and perspective and we are excited to see how this campaign resonates with the community!

Photos courtesy of CGAP, Sistema Biobolsa.
Why I quit my Corporate Finance job to join Kiva’s newest Non-traditional Partner – SANERGY →NEXT ARTICLE
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