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Kiva.org Experiences Temporary Field Partner Data Display Issue
August 30, 2011By: Beth Kuenstler

During a brief period on August 23rd – 24th, Kiva experienced a system-wide issue that caused some loan information to be inaccurately displayed. More specifically, Field Partner statistics did not properly appear on the site, including default, delinquency and currency loss rates.
This issue was quickly identified and corrected. We also reached out to individuals who made a loan(s) during the problem time period to ensure they were familiar with the issue and how Kiva was managing it.
So what does this mean for you?
If you did not make a loan(s) during the specified period, then this issue does not impact you.
However, we want to make sure that everyone is fully aware of the issue, as it is very important to us that our lenders be able to make informed lending decisions. Due to the system-wide error, individuals who made loans during the problem time period did not have access to all of the information we normally provide our lenders. We truly regret any inconvenience this may have caused.
If you have any questions or concerns about the information provided here, please contact our Customer Service Team at contactus@kiva.org and we will work to address your concerns.
Every day, thousands of global entrepreneurs are able to realize their dreams because of people like you. Kiva is committed to ensuring your experience is as powerful as the impact you are having on the people we serve. We appreciate your understanding concerning this situation.
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