Mary Jo Halder, KF25 in Washington D.C.
Like many other people, coffee makes me smile.
I’m lucky enough to be in DC, which has an awesome local coffee scene focused on providing great coffee that’s expertly crafted. Carina at Café Diem is doing just that. Café Diem is currently a pop-up in the Adams-Morgan neighborhood, but Carina is picking up the coffee truck that the Kiva Zip loan helped purchase this Friday. Soon, she’ll be spreading coffee goodness and smiles across the city—perfect as the weather begins changing and people seek out their daily pick-me-up! If you’re in the DC area, check out @CafeDiemdc on Twitter for where the truck will be!
Tony Chow, KF25 in Kenya
Tony Chow, KF25 in Kenya

I lent my camera to a Maasai while visiting his village in Kenya. A few days later I finally looked through my photos and discovered he took a selfie. One of the best pictures of the trip!
Shannon K., KF25 in Ghana

From a traveler who continues to try to perfect the art of squatting, I appreciated this sign. I hope you will, too. :)
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