Loan Officers: The Unsung Heroes of Microcredit
April 7, 2009
Long hours, low pay, angry barking dogs, collection calls, long motorcycle rides and even longer walks…………what on earth keeps these loan officers “in the saddle” 8+ hours a day, 6 days a week? I interviewed two of ASDIR’s (Kiva’s partner bank in Totonicapan, Guatemala) loan officers to try and find out.
I have to say I have been most impressed by the dedication, care and compassion of the loan officers at this MFI. I would also bet that most of Kiva’s 90+ field partners have similar, committed loan officers—- clearly motivated by a lot more than money!
Interview is in Spanish, with subtitles and, it will soon become clear that I was not selected as a Kiva Fellow on the basis of my video editing (or taking) skills.
'Click on this link for more information on ASDIR
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