At Kiva, we value being in tune with the current news, research, and findings, so each week we are going to bring you the latest updates in Microfinance!
In this post, we cover the following: agricultural microfinance, serving people with disabilities, BRAC Liberia, investor resources on interest rates, housing products in Central Asia, Islamic microfinance, Zambia and videos from a few of conferences.
source: CGAP Technology Blog
Learn about cost structures in mobile money and the implications of making these services free of charge.
source: CGAP Microfinance Blog
Kiva is not yet able to participate actively in providing savings, but we know well that savings products are a critical to changing lives.
source: IFAD Social Reporting Blog
Kiva acknowledges the importance of appropriate agricultural products in changing the lives of the rural poor.
source: TrickleUp
People with Disabilities are especially vulnerable in most countries in the world. Read about Trickle Up's valiant efforts to provide microfinance services to PWDs in Guatemala.
source: Microfinance USA Conference
Many people from the Kiva community participated in the MF USA conference. Watch videos of selected sessions here.
source: BRAC Blog
Kiva has just started its partnership with BRAC Liberia. Learn more about their important work.
source: Kiva Intern/KF12 Sam Kendall
Kiva works extensively in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Read about unique collaborations empowering poor people in the region.
source: CGAP Microfinance blog
Islamic microfinance plays an important role in the development of the industry today. Read about the efforts of this award-winning MFI.
source: Microfinance Gateway
Freedom From Hunger releases information on its "Impact Stories".
source: IPS News
Kiva has targeted Zambia as a new country to be added to the platform. Read about the context of poverty in this southern African country.
source: IFAD Social Reporting Blog
Kiva's success has been attributed to combining the power of the Internet with the power of microfinance. Read about IFAD's efforts to use social media in the context of rural development.
source: Grameen Foundation Blog
Kiva has just opened a new partnership in Burkina Faso. A new poverty assessment tool is now available for the West African nation.
source: USAID MicroLinks
Microfinance has gotten more than its share of negative press attention of late. Hear from industry leaders on the state of microfinance.
This. Is. Africa! Some stories of a Kiva Fellowship →NEXT ARTICLE
Paving the Way to the Future (Part 1): Bad Roads, Transportation Costs and Microfinance in Togo →