At Kiva, we value being in tune with the current news, research, and findings, so each week we are going to bring you the latest updates in Microfinance!
In this post, we cover the following: an CGAP blog post about Islamic microfinance, a Newswire report about the World Bank’s reclassification of 28 countries, the fishing industry in West Africa, the role of microfinance in climate change, and much much more!
If you can only read one:
source: CGAP Microfinance Blog
Islamic microfinance has yet to achieve scale. CGAP undertook a multiple blog exploration of the topic and this post summarizes its findings.
If you can read more than one...
source: DevEx Development Newswire
Kiva works in many of the poorest countries in the world. Learn about the World Bank's annual survey, which has reclassified 28 countries as "middle income" instead of poor.
source: IFAD Blog
Kiva has been working in West Africa since the very early days. Depleted fishing grounds are becoming a critical problem in Kiva countries such as Senegal, Ghana, Togo and Benin.
source: Microfinance Gateway
As Kiva broadens the types of loans we offers, climate change and the environment have become a highly desirable target. Read about the role of microfinance and climate change in rural communities.
source: Microfinance Gateway Blog
Kiva works with a variety of Field Partners that offer financial services. Read the article then see if you can find which Kiva Field Partners offer integrated solutions.
source: Financial Access Initiative Blog
Kiva has often been called the world's first peer-to-peer lending platform. A new organization now claims to be the first true disintermediated lending platform.
source: Microfinance Gateway
Rwanda is a small East African nation, which is more well-known than some of its neighbors. Kiva works with three Field Partners in Rwanda: Vision Finance Company s.a. (VFC), Urwego Opportunity Bank of Rwanda (UOB), and Amasezerano Community Banking.
source: CGAP Microfinance Blog
Savings plays a critical role in rural economic development. Read this case study from Mali.
source: Microfinance Gateway
Kiva currently has a small footprint in Europe. But what are the possibilities for extending microfinance there?
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