Imagine a world where you make a loan on Kiva, our Field Partners distribute that loan to the most vulnerable communities, and then take the next step to address other holistic needs of the community, like health and access to financial education.
Luckily, we don’t have to imagine it. Because when you support someone on Kiva, you’re offering more than financial capital. You’re offering vital services that create lasting change in the lives of the borrower and not only help alleviate poverty, but help them to stay out of it.
These innovative non-financial services our Field Partners offer are known as wraparound services. Wraparound services range from medical care to educational courses to job training classes, community support and financial advice.
Kiva awards Field Partners that offer these services with Social Performance Badges which range from an Anti-Poverty Focus (targeting the poorest communities) to Family and Community Empowerment (bolstering the entire family through education initiatives, workshops and preventive health).
Armed with not only the money they need, but now an education background, self confidence and financial literacy, the borrower can invest the money into their business in a responsible manner. These vital services are only possible because of Kiva lenders like you.
A wide variety of Kiva Field Partners provide these services. Peoples Forum in India works with people from marginalized groups such as leprosy patients, the disabled and the hijras community. People’s Forum helps determine who in the family is best suited to handle a loan and also assists borrowers in obtaining a certification of disability which allows them access to vital government services.

Association for People in Community Action (PAC) based in Nicaragua, believes that a combination of agricultural and technological development can help lift people out of extreme poverty. In addition to linking farmers to markets, PAC also offers a range of development services including youth leadership training, technical assistance and training.
But the path to success isn’t just paved by good training and solid financial planning. Preparing for stumbling blocks is vital, which is why ID Ghana helps their poorest clients participate in the national health insurance plan by building health care payments into their loans. This partner knows healthy people are fundamental for healthy businesses and also offers their clients group discussions on health and nutrition, as well as basic medical services.
These are just a few examples of the many Field Partners that Kiva works with, whose additional services go above and beyond simply providing access to capital. The pillars of support they offer ensure that loans funded through Kiva can have a lasting impact.
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