Update from the Field: Thoughts on Wealth, Religion and History, Foods from the Field, and a Day in the Life of a Fellow
May 7, 2012Compiled by David Gorgani | KF17 | Dominican Republic
As our fellowships wind down and as the first batch of KF17 fellows packs up to head home, the time has arrived to reflect on our experiences in the field and on the realities faced on a daily basis by the people living in the countries in which we’ve spent the past 3-4 months. Whether discussing religious beliefs, economic circumstances, history, or simply what’s for lunch, our time in the field has finally given us the ability to analyze these realities with something resembling authority. Furthermore, after almost 4 months in the field we can finally contemplate the idea of showing our readers what the elusive “typical day” in the field is like. Enjoy!
The View from the Roof of the World: Life in Tajikistan
Benjamin Schelling, KF17, Tajikistan
After a short history, geography and anthropology lesson, Ben discusses his experience living in Tajikistan, the poorest of the former Soviet republics, where over half of the population lives on less than $2 a day.
Day in the Life of a Kiva Fellow
Devon Fisher | KF 17 | Kenya
In this video blog, Devon shows us what the (closest thing to an) average day is like as a Kiva Fellow at Milango Financial Services in Mombasa, Kenya. From business meetings to client visits and plenty of the requisite transportation, this video has it all!
The Evolution of Economy: A New Definition of “Rich”
Santiago Cortes | KF 17 | Honduras
Santiago ponders the evolution of the definitions of poverty and wealth, the evolution of how each is produced, and his observations of the reality in a “poor” country living in the shadow of a “rich” country.
Sweet Deliciousness
Michael Slattery | KF 17 | Togo
Through a series of photos compiled from Fellows around the world, Mike shows us how we receive our sustenance and at what cost this sustenance comes.
Confessions of an American at a Christian Microfinance Institution in the Philippines
Jamie Greenthal | KF 17 | Philippines
Jamie discusses his preconceptions about working with a Christian field partner in the Philippines as a secular New Yorker. Through a series of confessions, Jamie expresses just how false these preconceptions were and how much he’s learned about the positive elements of a religious workplace.
Updates from the Past Month:
Poetry, Poverty + Truly Epic Amounts of Food
Colorful Markets, Microfinance for Students + Springtime Flowers and Celebrations
World Happiness, Food Aid + When Beauty and Poverty Collide
Group Loans, Barriers to Microfinance + How to Visit a Borrower
Plus more pictures from the past week:

Ceviche made of jungle fish, marinated in lime juice and sliced onions, served with yucca and chifles (banana chips) – Peru
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