Update from the Field: Translation Follies, Contemplating Kindness and Comfort and KF Cribs
May 21, 2012Compiled by David Gorgani | KF17 | Dominican Republic
This week’s stories from the field span topics ranging from ill-equipped law enforcement to the “luxurious” living places of Kiva Fellows. Two of this week’s posts – “Lost in Translation” and “Home is Where the Fellow Is” – compile material from Fellows around the world to give some insight to the similarities and the differences in typical Fellow experiences, while the other two – “Clean Water and Safe Streets: What do we take for Granted?” and “More than Just Fun in the Philippines” offer end-of-Fellowship level insight about the many opportunities for growth and learning that this amazing experience has presented to us.
Clean Water and Safe Streets: What do we take for granted?
Adria Orr | KF 17 | Samoa
After reading about a rare instance of violence between police and drug traffickers in Samoa, Adria contemplates some of the comforts she took for granted back home.
Lost in Translation
Philip Issa | KF 17 | Palestine
In this post, Philip traces many embarrassing examples of failed translation attempts made by Kiva Fellows, as well as other verbal follies in the field.
Home is Where the Fellow Is
Micaela Browning | KF 17 | Mozambique
By collecting photos and stories from Fellows around the globe, Micaela gives some insight into where Fellows sleep, how we live, and in typical Micaela fashion, adds a healthy pinch of irony to the mix.
More than Just Fun in the Philippines
Jamie Greenthal | KF 17 | Philippines
After four months in the Philippines, Jamie discusses what he considers to be the Philippines’ best potential offering to tourists: the kindness of the people.
Updates from the Past Month:
Kiva’s New Coffee Partner and Female Empowerment in the Middle East
Thoughts on Wealth, Religion and History, Foods from the Field, and a Day in the Life of a Fellow
Poetry, Poverty + Truly Epic Amounts of Food
Colorful Markets, Microfinance for Students + Springtime Flowers and Celebrations
Plus, more pictures from the past week:

During heavy storms, Avenida Leopoldo Navarro becomes Rio Leopoldo Navarro – David Gorgani, Dominican Republic
David Gorgani is a Kiva Fellow serving in the Dominican Republic, helping ASPIRE get started as a Kiva Field Partner, helping Esperanza International with borrower verifications, and attempting to learn salsa and merengue on the side.
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