Team Kiva (and yes, you can order one of those great jerseys below!)--consisting of Kiva staff, interns, lenders and enthusiasts--rolled across the finish line in Los Angeles with excitement, and on the verge of exhaustion, after a thrilling yet challenging seven days riding our bicycles on the open road. We are proud to report that each member of the 12-person team rode their bicycles every last mile of the 565-mile journey from San Francisco to Los Angeles in the 9th annual California AIDS/LifeCycle.
When asked why on earth many of us took time off work for this "vacation," many of us still

find it difficult to come up with a simple answer.
A collection of factors shaped each of our experiences on the ride.
- The overarching motivation for the event is to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS and to raise vital funds for the cause through the San Francisco AIDS Foundation and L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center.
- This common cause fostered another essential aspect of this event: the incredible community. The ride is made possible by many people, ranging from the cyclists, "roadies" who serve meals, entertain and transport luggage, the medical staff, supporters who donated a whopping $48,000 through Team Kiva, as well as those on the road along the way in addition to countless others that make this ride possible. Thank you!
- Some of us rode for personal challenge--to face a week-long test of endurance and will.
- One thing was for sure though; all of us wanted to represent Kiva--Loans that Change Lives--while doing something good by cycling to change lives too. We were very happy to meet many other Kiva supporters along the route. Some asked about the Kiva bike jersey--you can get your own below!

Fun facts from Julie D's cycling meter statistics: 560mi, close to 38h of riding time, 21,000ft elevation gain, over 14,000 cal burned, 10 million dollars raised, 1,900 riders, and many new friends made along the way!!!!
How can you get involved?

- We have 18 limited edition Team Kiva cycling jerseys available for $80 each. Please contact JD for more information.

- Sign-up for next year
- Read the Previous post
- Join our ALC lending team
Submitted on behalf of Katherine Morton
Intern, Kiva Fellows Program and new Kiva Fellow in Kenya (KF12)
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